Use "did not question|do not question" in a sentence

1. That question did not arise.

2. Do not question the princess.

3. airman did not ask any question yet.

4. His remark did not pertain to the question.

5. He did not find the question cryptic or bizarre.

6. He did not understand the importance of this question.

7. The question today is not: Why did we invade Afghanistan?

8. The question appeared innocuous enough, but I still did not trust her.

9. The simple answer to the question is that we do not know.

10. I'm sorry , but I did not understand your question. Could you please restate it?

11. Not an accusation, just a question.

12. His honesty is not in question.

13. His sincerity is not in question.

14. Not to question, but to obey.

15. Let us not vex the question.

16. I am not evading your question.

17. The question is, do I go with God on my side or not?

18. But do not always expect a yes or no answer to every question.

19. 448 The arrangements in question admittedly did not constitute pricing agreements but simply limited tonnages.

20. If any do not, check the AC power connection to the component in question.

21. Not " Tso, " the chicken, " so " the question.

22. The question has not been satisfactorily answered.

23. This question need not detain us long.

24. 7 His honesty is not in question.

25. 3 His sincerity is not in question.

26. The Government did not address the question of an OHCHR field presence in its note verbale.

27. Question (Jyoti Malhotra, The Telegraph): You have not answered the question about testing and reprocessing.

28. The question is not of assurance; the question is how these assurances are actually implemented.

29. The question of anyone not abiding by it does not arise.

30. The euro Regulations do not address the question of bank charges for conversions into euros.

31. Under these circumstances, the transactions concerned do not call into question the assessment made above.

32. It's not a question of some abstract Concept

33. The society in question need not be Soviet.

34. Well, come on, it's not a trick question.

35. 2 That is not the point in question.

36. People were indoctrinated not to question their leaders.

37. It's not a question of some abstract concept.

38. Those comments did not put into question the factual findings, but merely expressed an alternative legal qualification.

39. She did not enlighten him, rang off and warned Ayling the police were going to question him.

40. (35) The UNHCR's mandate did not allow it to tackle the question of displaced persons within Rwanda.

41. They did not believe in any form of resurrection yet they asked a question concerning this topic.

42. A separate census question on "cultural or ethnic origin" (question 17) does not refer to skin color.

43. Question time shall not be specifically allocated in advance.

44. The individuals involved did not question the activities of the others while continuing single-mindedly with their tasks.

45. The report will question why medical staff working with him did not blow the whistle on his activities.

46. Without question, discernment does not come easily or naturally.

47. I am not going to answer the unanswerable question.

48. The future of public transport is not in question.

49. I need not expatiate on the question any further.

50. 5 People were indoctrinated not to question their leaders.

51. Perhaps you do not want to pass on; in which case I shall answer your unspoken question.

52. Be prepared to question this if you want to, and do not retreat from any withering looks.

53. So did he pop the question, then?

54. P.S. Absolutely do not use my email address for any other purpose than replying to my question.

55. Why did it have a question mark?

56. So, it's not a question of if, but a question of when peak oil will come upon us.

57. The point of my question may not be immediately apparent.

58. The obvious question becomes: is this diffraction limited or not?

59. “OBJECTION: Your Honor, the question Assumes facts not in evidence

60. I am not personally acquainted with the gentleman in question.

61. To Braise or not to Braise, that is the question

62. 17 The question of particle numbers is not directly addressed.

63. 12 The lady in question is not in office now.

64. 10 The future of public transport is not in question.

65. Not wishing to displease her, he avoided answering the question.

66. To guaranty or not to guaranty, this is the question!

67. Question: "Who is permitted to baptize / perform Baptisms?" Answer: The Bible does not specifically address this question

68. He did not discuss whether or not the settlements should be part of Israel after peace negotiations, simply stating that the "question will be discussed".

69. Some fair-minded government officials did not accept without question the vicious charges made against the Witnesses by Christendom’s clergy.

70. Why did the president turn off the question?

71. Did Jesus fail to answer the man’s question?

72. Did you ever pop the question to her.

73. I'm not sure, so I've left a Super Mario question mark.

74. So the question is: Will we respond to this or not?

75. There was a burning question though that would not leave me.

76. The answer to that question may not be known for days.

77. To cloche or not to cloche, that will be the question.

78. The housewives in question found that they were not especially fulfilled.

79. Shall we go on with this question? You are not tired?

80. The question calls for a legal conclusion, not a medical one.